
April Vegetable of the Month - Asparagus

April is the start of Asparagus’ peak season until May, so we urge you to try this vegetable again if you’re not a fan. The word asparagus originates from the Persian vocabulary for sprout. Asparagus can actually be in a variety of colors like light green, dark green, purple, and white. It’s also an excellent source of folate, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, and thiamin.

When buying asparagus at the store we recommend looking at the color first. You want to find bright green with dark green or purple tips. Next smell it, to make sure it doesn’t have an odor. Finally pick it up and test its strength. You want to avoid stalks that are limp or wilted.

When storing it we want to maximize its freshness by keeping it in the refrigerator and wrapping the bottom of the stalks with a wet paper towel and placing it in a bag. You can also put them in a vase with one inch of water and cover with a plastic bag in the refrigerator. This will keep it fresh for up to four days.

Fun facts about Asparagus:

1.)    It takes three years from seed to harvest to end up on your plate.

2.)    China out grows everyone on Asparagus. The US stands in 5th place!

3.)    It’s been cultivated for 2,500 years and only 150 years in the US.

4.)    It can change the odor of urine after ingesting it.

5.)    One plant can live up to 20 years.

Asparagus can have a bold and earthy flavor to compliment most dishes. But we recommend pairing it with bacon, butter, or balsamic to enhance the flavor. See our Asparagus recipe on the website for more guidance.

NUTRITION FACTS: serving size= ½ cup, cooked

0g Fat, 2g Protein, 2g Net Carbs
