
We Challenge You to a Carb Game!

Let go back in time before you became a part of this journey to a healthier you. Can you remember what you had for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and dessert? I don’t ask this to trigger cravings or remind you of temptations but rather to reflect. We want you to realize you’re making improvements everyday even if you feel like you’re struggling.

We want to remind you that every choice you make may not have an immediate consequence but 5, 10, even 15 years later these choices even as simple as what you ate from day to day will affect your health and longevity for the rest of your life. If you consume a diet made primarily of simple carbohydrates and /or processed foods you increase your risk of struggling with weight gain, diabetes, and cholesterol in the long-term. For most of you this may be the reason why you’re at this point in your life. Whereas if you take the time to think about your foods and make quality food you will dramatically decrease your risk for health concerns later in life.

This is the challenge:

Visit this website that will take you back to an interactive article by the NY Times in 2016.

The article discus’s added sugars in our food in the average consumers diet. According to the article, Health Experts recommend adults to eat no more than 50 grams of added sugar a day. Ideally, they want it closer to 25 grams a day. That doesn’t match up with what we’re advising you to do; so don’t get any ideas! The article will run the reader through a meal building game that covers a full day of options. These choices are derived of foods found in most grocery stores in the United States that build up the American diet. After the reader makes their selections for their meals. They’re then prompted with the details that represent their meal like nutrition information. This is a great way to compare what you used to eat to what you eat now.

Test yourself and encourage others in your life to do the same.
