
Halloween Expectations

What we know today as ‘Halloween’ is very different than what it originated as. Halloween has become a heavily commercialized holiday. Today, Americans spend an estimated $6 billion annually on Halloween, making it the second largest commercial holiday after Christmas. It’s not supposed to be about children and adults gorging themselves on candy and spending too much money on costumes. This year we’re expecting you to do things differently.

While candy sounds good, let’s call it what it actually is, a poison. This poison leads to high amounts of glucose to be stored in your adipose tissue so your body can use it later for an energy source. As you know this is very dangerous for adults because this process adds to weight gain. But it’s also very dangerous for children. Childhood obesity has become one of the most important public health issues in the 21st century. According to the CDC, in 2015 the prevalence of obesity was 18.5% for children and adolescents. That means 13.7 million children and adolescents struggled with being overweight.

If our country is struggling with obesity for both adults and children; why should anyone be handing out pounds of candy on Halloween?

Another perspective that I want you to recognize is my personal experience as a type one diabetic. The holidays are always hard for me because of what everyone else expects you to eats. I can’t have the candy that all my neighbors pass out, so imagine what it’s like for a kid with diabetes. They get to look forward to dressing up and walking around the neighborhood, but they get taunted at every door with things they can’t have. I can’t tell you how many times I am tempted to grab just one piece of candy. What is the harm? There is more harm in one piece of candy for me. No one can have just one piece of candy. That one piece of candy turns into one handful, then just one bag, and then finally you eat everything. The consequences are horrible and not worth it.

So be a good neighbor and don’t offer poison to the children and adults in your community that don’t need the sugar, or can’t have it.

We challenge you to be better this year and every year after to stop giving candy out. Instead offer little knick-knacks like Halloween themed items, toy figurines, erasers, pencils, fake spiders, fake vampire teeth, etc. Even having thoughtful things like water to pass out is more considerate than giving out poison.

And remember having just one piece of candy is like an alcoholic only having one sip. Stay strong for a better you.
